Aaron Brazell of TechnoSailor is selling his personal blog on Ebay Sitepoint. He’s added a “Buy Now” price of USD $30,000.
I’m not sure what the future holds for him, and I do hope he will not leave his passionate and much appreciated involvement in WordPress.
Still, this got me wondering about how much a blog is worth.In October 2005, a fun gadget tool was developed which allows you to test your blog’s value, according to a combination of Technorati popularity and ranking, along with a value equal to the “dollar ratio as the AOL-Weblogs Inc deal“, which was one of the largest blog sales at that time.
Using the tool, I decided to find out what Lorelle on WordPress was worth. In October of 2005, my blog was worth $80,000.00. Wow! I checked again a month later, and my blog was worth $145,651.00.
While it’s fun to make jokes about how I’m going to spend the money, this is just virtual paper, which is worth less than money on real paper. ;-)
Sixteen months later, and wondering about Brazell’s life changing blog sale, I started wondering what my blog is worth today.
It’s worth $776,807.04.
If my blog was a stock, you’d better invest in it cuz it’s going to split very soon. ;-)
While I was checking my own blog, I decided to check on Blog Herald. The Blog Herald is worth $964,234.32. Damn. Beaten.
Source : http://www.blogherald.com/2007/02/13/selling-your-blog-what-are-blog-buyers-looking-for/
Selling a Blog
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